Okay, that shiz doesn’t turn me on. He was sort of a flake back then, and he apparently didn’t mature much. But, he sort of jump started my dating initiative.Anyway, friend talked me into online dating site. I didn’t play games in high school. Had my first boyfriend in senior year and didn’t go to bed with him.

The Role of Honesty and Transparency in Successful Dating

Unless you girls out there give me some pointers, I dont have much hope of spending time with women close to my age. Seeing the laundry list of women and men posting here, makes me wonder why dating can be a challenge. I’m a 55 year old man and the last 3+ years no girlfriend makes me wonder what I’m doing wrong? I was married for 24 years, divorced 7. Dated a few great ladies and haven’t had a lick of luck in awhile. But stating men have it easier isn’t always the case.

At almost 52 it has been no picnic trying to find a man who is secure within himself and trusting enough to really want a relationship anymore. I am not a bar scene gal, and dating sites are terrible. Left to my own devices I am having terrible https://datingwebreviews.com/soulsingles-review/ luck. And the kicker is, I value a man for who he is, not for what he owns or has in the bank. I think it is just hard at this age to find someone, when most people have become selfish, self centered, or are too damaged to care.

We took a “Break” and well never got back together. But I refuse to get online and “shop” for someone. I want to see the guy in 3D first, in person before I talk to him.

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I’ll carry on looking as I’m certain she’s out there but crikey it gets tiresome dealing with the dregs to get to her. I’m a 50+ woman and can honestly say I find most other women these days disgust me. They are pathetic Kardashian wannabees. They are glued to their phones, brainless and want a sugar daddy so they don’t have to work. I prefer to be a natural, fit, healthy, outdoor loving, down-to-Earth, independent woman compared to a fake, shallow, brainless lazy one.

As but one example I read, women are often attracted to men with tattoos because they believe they have higher testosterone than other men, thus they will make better children. Conversely, and here’s the rub, they also believe they do not make as good life partners as some other men. The first time I married it was to an alcoholic.

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I don’t want to waste investing my time loving someone that just wants a girlfriend for the rest of his life. If you’ve read any of my posts you will know that at age 50 I don’t share the views and actions of these women you’ve described. I’m an example of the exact opposite, and I wish there were more of us around for all of you good guys. My problem is that I can’t find a nice man like you. All I want is a life partner, lover, and companion.

Whereas a married man does not place emphasis on an aging woman’s looks, when you are single, you are not thinking with the same parameters. Older women seem to have this wierd expectation and baggage that is not really reflective of the give-take, role-based relationship that men actually want. It almost always comes out right on the first date and you have to engage in this wierd fake dialog. I am far from desperate, I am not materialistic, and I can hold an intelligent conversation. I am attractive and height/weight proportionate. I don’t have these highfallutin expectations that a lot of women 50 and over have.

Their prior life/marriage must have been hell for them…or their spouse perhaps. Then comes the laundry list of deal-breakers. Yet in any column on how to write those profiles, the advice will say to clearly state what you have to offer, rather than what you are seeking or demanding. I know that these men were not meant to be or it would have happened. But it doesn’t feel good when you just want to love someone and you have a lot to offer. It seems that most men my age don’t want a commitment of any kind but just want to play around, especially with younger women.

Early 40’s with small children – although these women are closer to your age they are at a completely different stage. They are raising small kids and are looking for someone to be a partner. Yes they do want you to help raise their kids and do it all over again. They may say they don’t but they too are lying.

I am your age and younger men than me are being attracted to me. Initially when I became single again I gave those men attention, after few dates I found them extremely boring. Confidence and healthy relationships all the way around have been my focus, not the easiest road for sure, but better than bitter. One called me late one evening, drunk, to tell me she missed me. I went to her house to find her passed out in the floor, door unlocked. I’m sure there’s women who could say the same about men.

Lumping all women into one category is ignorant. I wasn’t the lying, cheating, spouse. I didn’t want divorce and I didn’t ask for it. Some men are the ones not satisfied, even when they have a faithful, supportive, loving spouse.

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