And you can take it to the bank that those women my age who are stylish and attractive are already taken. In that case you aren’t in it for love. You’re in it for your own selfish needs instead of finding value in a good man who is really trying his best to please you and has proven himself to have integrity and respect.

Is it all about sleeping with men sooner to keep their interest and evolve into something? It sounds like several of the ladies on this site have had underperforming men. Just remember Not all older men have this problem. At 58 I go to the gym three days a week , kayak, ski, bike,hike, eat healthy and take care of myself. I have no problem pleasing woman sexually and can’t wait to retire to spend time engaging in the things I love. It is essential for every person on the Earth to have a desire to meet the only one lady or man, who is going to become more than a friend, who becomes a soul partner.

This is just my personal take on the subject. Well since most of the women nowadays that do Cheat more than men do which is real fact by the way. And since this happened to me it really devastated me at that time thinking that i had finally met the right woman to settle down with. And i was a very caring and loving husband that was very Committed to her as well which unfortunately it still wasn’t good enough for her.


I remember while on a business trip I had a encounter with an attractive woman who wanted to be more than friends. She attempted to kiss me and I said I can’t do this I’m married and she said I am too. I said I don’t think you understand you are a beautify women but wouldn’t want my wife to do this and I can’t do it either. If I was in a marriage without the intimacy and love I had would I have reacted differently, perhaps I don’t know but in that moment 15 into my marriage I had no interest to be with anyone but my wife. Unfortunately she didn’t feel the same and chose to get involved with a married man. Someone called me and said I don’t know you but your friends felt you should know so I said I would call.

Main Findings

When I had a membership I had lots of annoying things happening including no responses from men, so I finally ditched the dating site. I won’t pay for bad service from the site or aggravation from potential dates. Maybe the old fashioned way of meeting people will work out better for me. Jack……I am sorry this has happened to you. I don’t think you are asking for anything unreasonable, and I can’t understand the concept of a woman loving you but she doesn’t want to be intimate.

If that changes I’ll consider dating women my own age. If I had a dollar for every time a woman has said to me “You’re a nice guy, and you are really great looking and smart, BUT ” I’d be richer than Gates, man. Men make choices too, good and bad. It takes two people to make a marriage work and to keep it together. I didn’t marry a bad boy or someone I can fix.

That’s about all for my deal breakers. OK, I am a woman in her 50s and I am on the dating sites and going to multiple meetups, I have been asked out my men my age but man! They are either overweight, have really bad teeth, or physical limitations like a bad knee.

I would not recommend online dating to any guys 50 plus. They have employees write and post phony ads. Also they entice you with notices that someone wants to contact you. They have thousands of complaints on file. It’s a very limited dating market for men 50 plus in America.

I hope that will be the case for you, and soon. I have posted here occasionally for the past few years and nothing much has changed for me, except that I moved from north to south. I find the situation with men here even worse than before. Now at almost 53 years old I am totally turned off to the idea of being with anyone again. I would always have preferred not to be alone and single, but my luck with men after my divorce, which was 10 years ago, has not been good.

We are out here and looking for the same thing. Life stage is equally important as age. It gives you context and understanding of each other’s current challenges. You might count me among the “rare” ones because I have no interest in younger women, but for me it is less about a woman’s age and more about whether or not she has discovered that she doesn’t need me!

I have a kind, loving & giving heart. Looking for someone who wants to just start out slowly. You are completely wrong and have no idea what you’re talking about.

Dating In Your 50s Easy For Men Not So Much For Women!