Whoever made this meme took it to the next level, though. Because he apparently perfectly encapsulates Canadians’ feelings about Tim Hortons… TL;DR Canada is the butt of the joke in these 20 hilarious memes. Below are some Canadian memes that made me actually laugh out loud. And while some memes are so stupid you wish you’d never seen them, some of them are so true it hurts.

Well, that’s the case if they’re making jokes about them being your boyfriend or girlfriend. You might also assume that if you’ve been friends for a long time then romance is probably off the cards. It found that on average it took nearly 22 months before friendships shifted into a romantic angel return relationship. In fact, one study discovered that relationships that started out as friendship are far from the exception. If anything, it’s how most relationships actually begin. If your crush suggests going out but you want to have a mellow night in, try sending them this meme.

Best Friend Memes You Will Totally Relate to

It’s not that it’s totally unheard of to go away with your bestie, it’s just that it’s one of those things that falls into a couple’s activity. Especially if it’s more of a romantic type of break too. If they keep joking about being in the friendzone, it’s a clear indication that they think you’re too cool for them. Or they think that you’re not interested romantically.

If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach. Perhaps you feel like your closeness has crossed a line recently. Creating a little bit of space can be useful if either of you needs it.

I’ve got 99 memes, but a white guy blinking ain’t one. Hack Spirit is one of the leading authorities providing practical and accessible relationship advice. In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation.

Funny Memes About Friends With Benefits Factory Memes

Someone having a crush on them signals to you that they’re a good catch. They’re unlikely to brag about conquests or casually chat about people they’ve been dating. That would send the wrong impression to you. Sometimes the people around us have a better intuitive read about what is going on.

Use this meme to celebrate your wonderfully weird BFF. Use this meme to show your BFF that you’ll always be there to trade insults with her, even when you get old. When you and your best friend can share your innermost crazy thoughts, keep that person for life.

When you have genuine feelings and have fallen for someone you may use those puppy dog eyes. What I mean is a lovey-dovey gaze that is filled with admiration. You two clearly have a very close bond and feel comfortable enough to share personal things with one another that you wouldn’t tell just anyone.

Too many posts

Feel free, and in fact we encourage you, to share with your loved ones at this time. Remember that week on the internet when Little Miss memes were everywhere? Riffing on the popular children’s book series of the same name, the internet once again added hyper-specific, but extremely relatable, descriptions to Little Miss. But like all the brightest stars, the meme burnt out fast by over-saturating the collective timeline.

Best friend memes are used to express appreciation for your BFF, remind them how important they are to you, or give them a giggle to brighten their day. Best friend memes can be a little saucy, a little sassy, and sometimes sentimental. There’s usually just a pinch of sweetness hiding in there, too. Best friend memes celebrate the unique relationship of a BEST friend. Ordinary normal friends are great, but there are things you share only with your bestie.

This is another funny meme you can use to put a smile on someone who is having a bad day. Best friend meme celebrate the unique relationship of a BEST friend. Ordinary, regular friends are great, but there are things you would share only with your best friend. These memes speak to the unique qualities and trust that exists only between the very best of friends.

Funniest Bestie Memes For People Who Have Given Up On Dating Because They Love Their Friends More CheezCake Parenting Relationships Food Lifestyle