The shaming of the “unclean” and the fear loom far larger than the actual health risks to the population. We have a long tradition of shaming, ridicule, and misconception to thank for that. From Shakespeare and South Park to sex ed and parodies of Valtrex commercials, herpes has been treated unfairly by mass society. That’s a sad reality that you and your partner will have to face.

We infer that GHSV1 transmission rates are similar to GHSV2. GHSV1 is likely to transmit easier to you as OHSV1, but would still be transmittable to you as GHSV1. If you had not had herpes, would you avoid dating someone that does, knowing what it would be like?

Drops to 2% being on condoms or antivirals and drops to 1% using both condoms and antivirals. Unrelated sorta but..I hadn’t realized they raised they age to 44 for the vaccine. As a married woman pushing 40 who has only really ever had one sex partner (and don’t anticipate any change in the future), would it be silly for me to get the vaccine? Now the real threat is HPV, which is different and can cause certain cancers (oral, vaginal, cervical, penile, uterine, colon, and anal. Basically any parts exposed during sex). If you have not had it already, please consider getting the HPV vaccine. The CDC recently raised the age limit for the HPV vaccine to 44, although most insurances still follow the old age limit, which is 26.

Supported Forms

Misleading, herpes can be transmitted when there is no breakout. Plain and simple…people with HSV have a virus…they/you aren’t a virus. Hsv 1 is one thing, but hsv 2 is a lot more difficult to navigate. Don’t let someone else define you by a disease that almost everyone has. I always wear condoms anyway, and I’m a guy. And even despite that, this information is particularly reassuring.

This is called asymptomatic shedding. It is extremely important to be aware of this because there is about a 10% chance you can get herpes infection from a person who is asymptomatic yet shedding the virus. I had sex with three people in total in my life. I hooked up with literally one person outside of a relationship. Now when I was just at the start of appreciating being single I get a STD and am devasted. I feel like my life has gotten out of my hands within the last half year.

Dating With Genital Herpes

Would be cool to hear how other people have delt with this or are dealing with it. While condoms can lessen the risk of transmission, they definitely do not make you immune. “My friend” had a 3 year relationship and never gave it to the girl, and had daily sex or more. Took a couple weeks off during the one flare up.

I went to school with tons of people who had it, including women. I work with a lot of people who have it. Now that you have it, you will begin to notice people just in every day life that have it. It’s not dirty nor is it anything to be ashamed of. But along with learning about disclosing it, I also learned just how common it is and that’s just those who have been diagnosed.

When Your Partner Has Herpes

I tried using a dating site for people with STDs. You disclose your status and what STDs you have. It was really nice dating someone who also had herpes because neither of us had to worry. I got it from my mom when I was an infant when she kissed my cheek. Besides my initial break out as an infant, I had one other outbreak on my cheek when I was 18.

If someone doesn’t want to date me because I have herpes, I completely understand. However, many people won’t care that I do. If someone doesn’t want to date you because of it, they aren’t wrong….they just aren’t the person for you nor you for them. Encourage your partner to take medication. Ask her if she will take a daily suppressive medicine that prevents herpes outbreaks.

I’m assuming since she didn’t specify that she has genital herpes, but this distinction is pretty important to know. I am 47 years old and contracted herpes when I was 18. I was married up until about 3 years ago due to a failed marriage. I have dated a few women since then and have been in a committed relationship with one women for almost the entire time I have been single.

The Girl I’m Dating Just Told Me She Has Herpes