The absence of parental communication on sexuality and sex-related issues with adolescents provides an opportunity for external influencers, such as peers, partners, and the media. Regarding positive parental influences on adolescent contraceptive decisions, studies revealed that conversations between children and their parents are effective at communicating sexual and reproductive information and instilling values in the children . As a result of the enormous influence that parents have on adolescent girls’ social, emotional, and cognitive development, they must be more involved in ensuring that the girls’ contraceptive decisions and sexual and reproductive health needs are met . Another major deterrent to contraceptive use was the alleged side effect of it causing sterility. Fears about contraceptive use causing infertility and affecting future fertility were a major influence on decision-making regarding using contraceptives among adolescents in all the studies reviewed .

Additionally, at least 1 measure of sexual or physical dating violence perpetration or survivorship needed to be included in the study. Nonrandomized comparative studies, observational studies, quasi-experimental studies, and studies published in languages other than English were excluded. We also excluded studies or group comparisons that evaluated nondating violence prevention programs, including those that focused solely on the legislation of sexual-related crimes, and did not follow up the same cohort of participants. Concerning parental practices, previous research has highlighted the relevance of parental victimization in CPV (e.g., ), increasing the probability of this type of violence in victimized adolescents by more than 70% .

Other issues, such as the duration of the relationship, also influenced contraception decisions among adolescents . Adolescents who were in long-term relationships, compared to those in short-term relationships, were more likely to choose to use contraceptives . However, the definition of short-term and long-term relationships was not detailed in the articles reviewed .

Mass psychogenic illness

Of these, 19 studies met the inclusion criteria, and 18 studies25-42 had enough data for calculating effect sizes . For the missing trial,43 authors were contacted but the requested data were not obtained. Dalaba, M.A.; Stone, A.E.; Krumholz, A.R.; Oduro, A.R.; Phillips, J.F.; Adongo, P.B. A qualitative analysis of the effect of a community-based primary health care programme on reproductive preferences and contraceptive use among the Kassena-Nankana of northern Ghana.

Children’s experiences of corporal punishment: A qualitative study in an urban township of South Africa

After a 9-year-old school girl developed crying and shouting episodes, quickly other children of the same school were also affected resulting in 47 affected students in the same day. Since 2016 similar episodes of mass psychogenic illness has been occurring in the same school every year. Besides the difficulties common to all research involving the social sciences, including a lack of opportunity for controlled experiments, mass sociogenic illness presents special difficulties to researchers in this field. Balaratnasingam and Janca report that the methods for “diagnosis of mass hysteria remain contentious.” According to Jones, the effects resulting from MPI “can be difficult to differentiate from bioterrorism, rapidly spreading infection or acute toxic exposure.” It is the rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation, loss, or alteration of function, whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic causes. There are important mediating factors for the estimated associations between COVID-19 cases and antibiotic use.

An overview of the prevalence of teen dating violence, the potential for assessing media use as a risk factor, offers a conceptual model, and suggests ideas for future research are provided. Boomerang effects of sexual-violence prevention messages on college men’s attitudes. Anxious attachment was the strongest risk marker for TDV perpetration, followed by witnessing inter-parental violence, experiencing child abuse, and avoidant attachment. Episodes of mass hysteria has been observed in schools of Nepal frequently, even leading to closure of schools temporarily. A unique phenomenon of “recurrent epidemic of mass hysteria” was reported from a school of Pyuthan district of western Nepal in 2018.

Adolescents in Ghana were more positive about using hormonal contraceptives, especially when discussing it with their mothers first before choosing a particular method. This gave them some assurance that their mothers would be fine with them using the contraceptives if they knew about it . In Nigeria, conversations with mothers were also instrumental in positively influencing decisions on contraceptive use . Individual-level or intrapersonal factors that influence the decision to use contraceptives among adolescent girls were explored in all seven studies . These studies found that, at the individual level, various factors influence the decision to use contraceptives .

Risk Markers for Physical Teen Dating Violence Victimization in the United States: A Meta-Analysis

They report that most workers were young women either putting their husbands through school or supplementing the family income. Those with strong social ties tended to have similar reactions to the supposed gas, which only one unaffected woman reported smelling. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of antibiotic consumption on antibiotic resistance.

The demand for their partners’ consent, the denial of their partner’s approval, and the adolescent girls’ inability to seek consent from their partners all negatively affect and influence the contraceptive decisions that the adolescent girls make . The present results should be interpreted with the understanding that the findings are correlational and cannot imply causation of CSE. Further, there were discrepancies in the number of studies and sample sizes across factors, leading to some large variances in effect size estimates. Caution should also be exercised owing to the high proportion of data sampled from criminal records and child protection, which may bias generalizability.

Dating violence victimization and perpetration rates among high school students. In July 2022 reports of up to 15 girls showing unusual symptoms such as screaming, trembling, and banging their heads came up from a government school in Bageshwar, Uttarakhand. Outbreaks of mass psychogenic illness “have been reported in Catholic convents and monasteries across Mexico, Italy and France, in schools in Kosovo and even among cheerleaders in a rural North Carolina town”. A possible outbreak of mass psychogenic illness occurred at Le Roy Junior-Senior High School in 2011, in upstate New York, US, in which multiple students began having symptoms similar to Tourette syndrome.

Research on CPV has received progressive attention mainly due to its high prevalence in different countries, for example, in North and South America or Europe . More specifically, in these studies conducted with adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years, rates of verbal and psychological violence ranged from 15.7 to 80%, physical violence from 2.1 to 25%, financial violence from 9.3 to 50.9%, and control and domain behaviors from 19.4 to 36.0%. This paper describes promising programs and strategies designed for each of three levels of intervention − indicated, selective, and universal − and summarizes the existing evidence base of each.

Inclusion criteria were quantitative investigations of sexual exploitation and mean sample age of 18 years or younger. And A.A.A.; project administration, A.S.D. and G.G.-G.; funding acquisition, A.S.D. and G.G.-G. As a future line of research, it is proposed to systematically analyze the sample in this article, including new descriptors taking into account the main objectives, methodological design, variables under study, analyzed sample and information collection instruments, to give a greater scope to the objectives proposed. Representative and reliable sources are used in the various bibliometric studies carried out in the different areas of research (Fuentes Cabrera et al. 2019; Eckhardt and Massa 2019; Cebrino and Portero de la Cruz 2020; Badenes-Sastre and Expósito 2021).

In the specific case of peer violence, it has been pointed out that it increases the risk of violence in general by approximately two-thirds (see Ttofi et al. , for review) and of CPV in particular . Thus, the involvement of adolescents in peer violence may increase the risk of CPV and vice versa, being necessary to break this cycle of generalized violence. However, the figures referring to specialist aggressors also suggest that at least a part of adolescents who exercise CPV represent a pure group that would be worth examining in order to better understand how CPV behaves in isolation from other forms of violence.

A Meta-analytic Review Of Peer Risk Factors And Adolescent Dating Violence Fingerprint University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign