An imbalanced sense of “play” that leads to an avoidance of necessary adult tasks. Chronic shutting down in times of difficulty or conflict. Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may earn a small commission.

Spiritual Journey

I said, “I love you” too soon, and to too many. And the devil sat front-and-center, loving every minute of my early dating history. Mature people have a more stable personality which isn’t rattled by other people’s opinions.

Immature people do not leave their comfort zones, and resent those who do. They box themselves and other people into comfortable categories from which they never grow from, because it gives them the semblance of control. They stick to the familiar Go to the and the known in their social and professional life. This is also the reason that they are unable to deal with the uncertainty and the things they can’t control in their life. Ironically, the most immature people think that they’re really mature.

They understand that they must love themselves as well as others.

With that in mind, let’s look at 10 godly relationship and Christian advice tips to know before you start dating. Sadly, every “Christian” man pressured her for sex. When she explained that she was a virgin and committed to sexual purity, one man aggressively attempted to change her mind, while others abruptly ended the date and never called her again. Sadly, this young woman’s experience is all-too-common in Christian dating experiences. And if you’re a man wondering where to find your better half, you might also be looking for dating advice. You lead in loving Him by turning your heart toward Him throughout the day, whether in prayer, reading or studying your Bible, or walking to class or eating a pizza.

You Don’t Need Validation From Someone Who Broke Your Heart

Let’s break down the idea of doctrines further to understand how we can assess if the relationship we’re entering will be complimentary or destructive to our personal faith. One may propose that if you both believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died and rose again, that is a sufficient foundation. The rest is negotiable based on upbringing and biblical interpretation. However, that simplified approach erupts into multiple volcanoes of issues when diving deeper into other core doctrines of the faith. The doctrinal elements are extensive, and while some are less critical, others could make or break a relationship once put to the test. Think about what it is you want your partner to be a part of and present them with the opportunity.

In all of this evaluation, however, we must not lose sight of the grace extended to us to change that has also been extended to others. We will never be perfect this side of heaven and neither will anyone we date/court or marry. We are not to look for perfection, but for the trajectory of a life lived for the glory of God. Hopefully we will be used by the Lord in marriage to spur one another on as the Holy Spirit conforms us degree by degree to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. We can make the same observations today by watching how someone serves others in the church.

Instead, they want to see a larger perspective that can help the other person find a solution that best fits their path. So here are 4 pointers when it comes to dating someone less spiritually mature than you. Immature people tend to consider responsible and diligent individuals uptight or overly serious. As you mature, you begin to realize how much passion and energy this kind of devotion actually requires.

” If so, you may be better off going out with groups of Christian friends rather than dating one person in particular and dashing their hopes. Therefore, someone may have a lot of Bible knowledge but that doesn’t prove that the person is spiritually mature. It doesn’t prove that the person is born again and that the person knows Jesus Christ, the Word, personally and that the heart of the person belongs to God. Interestingly enough, a lot of people usually end up dating someone with a similar emotional maturity level as them.

A 25 and 45 year old might be able to have fun now, but what happens when one is 55 and the other 75? I’m not saying it would be a sin, it’s just something you want to consider. If you do feel led to date a new believer or someone who is less spiritually mature than you, you will need to show your spiritual maturity by respecting where they are currently at in their faith journey.

Maturity is knowing that you need to keep work and leisure time separate. If you’re reading this and feel like you need to do a bit more working on yourself, that is awesome. Nurture yourself and do whatever you need to do right now. Because in the end it will be totally worth the effort. Being real with your own level of personal development is key when it comes to attracting the right man. After all we attract more of what we are, not what we are not.

The Benefits Of Being Married To A Less Mature Christian