No wonder then that our Peter Pan is boyish in his leisure activities. He may be a video game addict, who is glued to his game console at all times. Or he may spend many hours watching or playing sports.

It’s hard being with someone who’s not on your same level. The ultimate question you have to ask yourself is if you’re getting what you need from the relationship. If you’re not, you need to address that with your partner and if they can’t or won’t give you what you need, it may be time to consider that this relationship isn’t good for you. Commitment can be a scary word, but for some people, it’s absolutely petrifying. When you’re ready to be in a long term relationship, ending up with someone who’s terrified of commitment can lead to heartbreak. You try to have “the talk” one minute and you’re broken up the next.

These possible causations are mostly mental, as the phobia is something deep rooted inside of one’s mind. When you know how to read him and know what he’s thinking and feeling, unpleasant situations like the silent treatment will be a thing of the past. Especially when dealing with a commitment-phobe, it’s important to UNDERSTAND your man.

It was only after taking a break from relationships altogether in order to get to know herself properly, even down to what sort of eggs she actually liked, that she was ready to commit. Do commitment-phobes come back after you cut them off? One of the signs a commitment-phobe loves you is if they return after you cut them off. No contact with commitment-phobe people may give them time to realize what they’re losing, and it might just be the push they need to change their ways and settle down.

Give Them Space

Your best bet, I’m sorry to say, is to find a guy who can commit. You may wait a lifetime for this guy to figure it out. You can find a BACP therapist using the directory on the BACP website.

Any difficulty or trial at school might have been dismissed as someone else’s problem and never his responsibility. Or he may have never been encouraged to try something really hard like a competitive sport or an accelerated school subject where trying and not winning or getting a high grade is a real possibility. Or he may have been sickly and had overprotective parents who wouldn’t allow him to play with other kids and compete in sports. Other Peter Pan guys were just ignored by a divorced or missing father and an overworked Mom. Communication — It might sound funny, but communication is a skill that we could all get better at.

They’re very secretive

Because of this, he has a hard time having honest straight talk and is very afraid of conflict. When the inevitable disagreements and differences come up in a relationship, he stuffs his feelings and drifts away. He prefers email or texts when dealing with uncomfortable issues. He doesn’t have the courage to stand up to his partner, so problems fester and blow up. When tension reaches the boiling point, he doesn’t have the cajones to break up. Instead he becomes passive-aggressive, gently slipping away as his texts and calls fade out—or he quickly dumps you before you can dump him.

They might not want to set a precedent that you belong in that group, for the long term. Or they might be afraid of the questions that will come later if you do break up, of where you went and why you broke up. Your partner might have a negative view of your future together so they’re afraid of the day that they will inevitablely have to explain where you went. If you and your partner both want your relationship to succeed but one or both of you have commitment fears, it can help to develop committed habits together. A therapist can also offer support in one-on-one therapy if your partner’s behavior is affecting your mental health, but couples therapy could be another place to work on this.

How To Tell If Your Partner Has Commitment Issues

I think she has more chances to be with him than I do. They both have mutual friends, seems like she lives closer to him. I don’t think it’s a big deal breaker but I also notice he kept on mentioning “Why are you so far” I think it’s an indicator of him not wanting more or keep going with me. When they share their issues never judge or laugh at them for feeling the way they are.

A typical attachment disorder that leads to commitment-phobic behaviour, he continues, could be something called frozen attachment. This manifests when the caregiver – a parent or guardian – is both the source of care and the source of fear. Similarly, 33-year-old Natalie has had a phobic reaction to commitment her entire adult life, choosing to sabotage relationships to avoid intimacy and cut them off prematurely. She’s a successful filmmaker who guards her personal time fiercely. She either avoids dating completely, lest she meet someone she actually likes, or finds every excuse to justify ending a relationship when it does start to develop. It’s taken a long time to get you to where you are at present.

13 Signs Of Real Commitment Issues In Men Vs Him Faking It